Note #022

Let’s make life a little simpler. Are you willing to try something?

Something different?

Maybe something entirely new?

No one has time for "one more thing"

Just like you, I want your life to be easier – less stressful, less complicated. I want you to feel alive and joyfully engaged in your tasks.

I want the corners of your eyes to crinkle more often, the corners of your mouth to lift as they let go of the weight of too much _____________ (fill in the blank for yourself.)

Simplifying is not easy, but it is doable. The "one more thing" affliction which plagues us all from time to time seems to be the enemy of simplification.

Use what's already happening

So let's use what's already happening in our lives to support our wellbeing. When we pay attention (AKA mindfulness) to the task at hand, we create a more focused mind. We become single-pointed as we move from multi-taksing to monotasking.

A more focused mind eliminates the stress of "too much".

A focused and intentional mind accomplishes tasks more quickly, more efficiently, and more effectively, freeing up time and energy to be spent on things you enjoy.

A mind bombarded by distractions becomes chaotic, anxious, unproductive, and exhausted, leaving you cranky and overwhelmed.

Focus your mind – change your life.

Many of the practices, strategies, and techniques that I share will allow you to layer upon the Built-ins and In-betweens ~ the things you're already doing every day.

What are some of those things?

  • Breathing

  • Taking a drink of water

  • Eating

  • Driving or commuting via bus, train, metro, or airplane

  • Closing and opening doors

  • Resting your head on the pillow every night

Head to the bottom of this post to grab your free Built-ins and In-betweens Booklet.

As we progress through the weeks and months together, you will slowly and systematically strengthen your skills of being focused, of being fully present in Current Time, reducing the stress and drama, demonstrating emotional resilience, enjoying life more, and living more and more your Unique Genius.

What benefits will you enjoy?

I like the benefits listed on

Of primary importance, we find "stress reduction" and "happier" – just what we're looking for!

What other benefits do you anticipate?

Let’s finish with a short gratitude practice…after all, it is almost Thanksgiving!

Take a deep breath in.

And out.

Say to yourself “Thank you Self, for hanging in there. Thank you for pressing on. You are good. You are good enough. I love you."

And now off you go, knowing that you are enough.

Get your free Built-ins and In-betweens Booklet today!

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    As always, thanks for being YOUTH Positive,


    P.S. If you found this useful, please share! The more happier families we have, the better off we are a a world. ❤️